Contract Description
The Work consists of the construction of 1250 feet of reinforced concrete cut and cover tunnel for Interstate 90 including the related tunnel and boat sections, drainage, fire protection, and waterproofing. Other major work includes the critical excavation support at A-Street properties consisting of slurry walls and tieback installation. Additional work includes temporary support of excavation systems, groundwater control including cut-off walls, instrumentation, and utility relocations including sewer, water, gas, telephone and fiber optics communication.
The work also includes surface restoration of approximately 1300 feet of A Street, portions of Wormwood and Binford Streets, the West Surface Road Extension, Mt. Washington Avenue, and the Garage Access Road. The surface road restoration includes bituminous concrete pavement, sidewalks, driveways, drainage, signage and striping.
- General Contractor: DeMatteo/Flatiron/Interbeton
- Contract Value: $179,531,211
- Notice to Proceed: July 11, 1997
- Contract Completion: May 19, 2002
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